He's not biting as much or as hard as he was a week or two ago, but he's running faster and has learned how to play "catch me if you can." I chased him around the dining room table and thought I had him, until I saw him go a ways, then stop and turn back, knowing I had changed directions to catch him. He is no longer showing up between my feet where I was seeing him just in time to avoid falling on my face and/or crushing his little foot. I don't remember puppies being this energetic or relentless, but I was younger then as well.
At first I was praising him when he peed or otherwise took care of his business during our frequent trips out of doors, but I've come to realize that this praise does not yet have any real effect on his behavior. He doesn't seem to process my soothing, happy tone of voice for its actual meaning. Perhaps less soothing sounds now and then will give him a reference point. That may well come soon.
He is less demanding when he is in his kennel, but continues to pick up with his mouth and chew on pretty much everything he can find - rocks,bugs, dried leaves, dirt, file drawer handles, corners of the couch and, occasionally, on a chew bone or treat actually meant for that purpose.
I was delighted to find that he did not like the taste of the bitter apple spray that is meant to discourage his eating my furniture. There is hope that some or all of that might be spared. The kitchen towel is in the drawer so that he does not tug it down from its hanger and race around with it enticing a good game of tug with one of his relatives. Some of the lamp cords have been generously sprayed with bitter apple and others are at least safe from conveying a dangerous shock. He has started climbing the three back stairs to the kitchen from the back door and is trying hard to figure out how to get in through the dog door. And he has earned his first title. He's officially an LLM - Little Loud Mouth. Eventually, I suppose, he will be a BLM - Bigger Loud Mouth, like his cousins. I'm sure he'll frighten off all intruders and be well worth his keep for saving us all. Right now his LLM is used only for self gratification, and I am trying really, really hard not to reward this behavior by letting him out or otherwise responding. It is helping, but we have a long way to go.
On at least one occasion, the little loud mouth was removed from the bedroom to the downstairs kennel, so I could sleep. He wasn't fussing, just playing with his blanket and toy and thumping on the crate in intriguing and unexpected intervals. He seemed well rested in the morning, and, thankfully, so was I. He's actually been good at night. For all the disturbances, funny, scary and sometimes annoying tricks, this little sweety has added to my already joyful and love filled life in a very positive and delightful way. Just one look with a few energetic licks from him for good measure and pretty much all of life's worries and stresses simply evaporate.
Sunday Already?
7 years ago