Friday, December 16, 2011


The other day as I was wasting time at my computer surveying the many treasures of thought I have saved there, I ran across my first efforts at accomplishing my fantasy autobiography.  Aside from the fact the portions of my life that might be even remotely interesting to someone else are about enough to fill a somewhat oversized pamphlet, but never a "book", my humble instincts, of which I have few, have been sufficient to give me pause, lest I plunge headlong into an endeavor that will humiliate me and embarrass others.   Still, I've begun to contemplate ways in which to enhance the effort.

Running across the beginning efforts, however, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I actually enjoyed reading some of the material.  Not to sound too self impressed, I will say I thought it was actually rather well written.  I am, therefore, reconsidering the autobiographical possibilities, although I don't quite know how to overcome the other problems -  that there is not that much of interest in my life and that, no matter how clever I think my writing is, few others would find it worth reading.  Still, I need a project and a goal.  Maybe writing about myself, since no one wants to hear me talking about myself, might be the way to go.  After all, no one really will be forced to read it.


  1. Go for it. You never know what will come of it and even if you are just writing it for yourself - I think that is enough.

  2. Thanks for the confirmation. It fits with my thinking well. Thought of you all yesterday, and enjoyed the phone call and talking to a few of you. Wish I could have been with you.
