Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rediscovering my Inner Woman

Yesterday I went shopping, somewhat spontaneously.  At the Hanes outlet store, I bought what I had come for, then I stepped across the street to wander around the Ann Taylor factory store.  For the past probably 30 or more years I have not set foot in any stores selling dresses and feminine blouses and general women's stuff.  This is the logical outcome of the fact that I rarely wear anything but t-shirts and elastic waist pants; however, I am looking forward to showing a Boston Terrier that I co-own at our National Specialty Show in Houston next month.  I want to look my best in hope this beautiful dog will be taken seriously.

After some tryings on and consideration, I bought not just one, but two pretty dresses (40% off)  in styles I don't remember ever wearing before.  Chuckling to myself  about my uncharacteristic purchase, I headed back to the Hanes shop for some "shaping" undergarments.  With some trepidation I explored the depth of this odd impulse to see if it might be strong enough to take me to the make up counter at Walgreens or the high heeled shoe section at Dillards or, heaven forbid, to both.  With a sigh of relief I realized I am not interested in that - yet.  Then I remembered that I have been taking Estrogen for almost two months and am directed to continue this indefinitely.  I will have to be very careful in the future when these impulses come along.


  1. I just bought a dress for Easter - pretty unusual for me too! Easter is over - why are you not here???

    1. Have a doctor's appointment on the 19th - am leaving as soon as that's over with. Am very anxious to be home.

  2. I love it! Can't wait to see you soon.
