Saturday, October 2, 2010

Oddities in Robbinsdale

New Iris picture of the bloom that arrived on October 1st and one that still is trying to emerge.  I use the picture to verify this strange phenomenom. 

Seems to be a really low budget campaign going on in my neighborhood, specifically along a couple blocks of the drive.  Haven't yet taken the time to find out who "Kitten" is, whether it is someone's name, or a description of the kind of person someone is supporting for sheriff.  Of course, chalk messages on the sidewalk are cheaper than billboards, but rather useless when they are ambiguous.  I think I'll write in "Dog".

1 comment:

  1. I have researched this subject, finally, and found that indeed the write in campaign is for "a kitten", not someone named Kitten. I'm sure you're relieved to have that mystery cleared up.
