Sitting out in the sunshine on a day when the humidity is high and the temperature is 86 can be very exhausting, especially to an old lady like me. I am one very tired old lady. Still, it was an interesting afternoon. I was again reminded how much better it is to just do it, even if you have to do it all by yourself.
As you may know, yesterday I impulsively ordered two standing room only tickets to today's Twins game, sending out a last minute invitation to anyone who wanted to do so to join me. No one did! Ah, how I remember the days when my personal popularity would bring a huge following or at least one other person. Today I had the pleasure of remembering the days when I had insufficient personal friends to even ask someone to join me on the spur of the moment. Another time, another life.
So, undaunted as I usually am, I proceeded to go to the game myself, taking my time getting there, parking on 2nd Avenue. Yes, RM, I was parked right in front of your condo. As I walked the 5 or 6 blocks, I found myself talking with two young men, TJ and Tim, who happened to have an extra ticket in a lower right field (but, as it turned out, very sunny) seat. I purchased the ticket for $20 and never needed the standing room only ticket/s, which I thought was quite fortuitous.
After walking around for a time and enjoying a nice glass of Summit EPA, I found the seat and settled in for about two, maybe three innings, at which point it had become too hot to stay there. While sitting, I learned from the man on my right, a golfer with a baseball glove on his hand, that in his opinion balls really soared in golf and probably baseball too, when the barometric pressure is low and a storm is coming, not when the storm is over and pressure is high. The pressure was obviously not high today, as none of the balls hit by the Twins anyway soared out of the park, nor anywhere near out of the park. Nor did my friend catch any balls with his nice baseball glove.
We were behind 3 nothing when I arrived, so I take no responsibility for the loss today. I left for home sometime during the 8th inning, and as I pulled my comfortable, air conditioned car into the garage, the game ended on a score of 5 to 1. Hot, windy, tiring - and I'm very happy I went. It really is better than vegetating at home in front of the TV all afternoon where such delicacies as Summit EPA, Kramarczuk's Polish Sausage with kraut and onions and unlimited amounts of Cappuccino Galato are not readily available. And walking around the stadium clearly uses up all those extra calories, leaving my conscience totally free of guilt.
At the ballpark no one checks your ID when you're buying beer unless you are under 30, and how they know that without checking your ID is an unanswerable question. I, personally, was not asked to show my ID even once, and I even offered to do so. Do I look to be clearly over 30 years old? Aaaaah, shucks!